Saturday, 10 August 2013


Kebiasaan labah-labah memakan serangga kecil dan ade tao jumpa paling besar pon mangsa yang labah-labah dapat tangkap adalah burung. Tetapi di sini seekor labah-labah berjaya menangkap ular sebagai hidangan nyer.

Seekor labah-labah berjaya menangkap seekor ular sebagai hidangan nyer..

Perlihatkan lagi gambar-gambar di bawah ini....

Kalau korang nak tau nie adalah brown button , tetapi kebatan membunuhnyer same macam black widow!

Stuff of nightmares: The snake is off the ground and hanging from the spiders web as its predator moves in for the kill

Making a meal out of it: According to spider experts, this arachnid is a female from the brown button species which is not as deadly as a black widow

David and Goliath: The 14cm-long spider makes light work of the snake, pulling it into a more manageable 'bite-sized' meal

Spider v snake

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